Moving the dial on the pharmacy experience.

Essentia Health Pharmacies were struggling to grow their customer base within their region of smaller midwest communities and were in stiff competition with the larger pharmacies such as Walgreens and CVS.

While Essentia Pharmacies were offerering a variety of differentiating services, awareness was lacking and perception of the pharmacy including the interiors, footprints and fixtures were outdated and creating barriers to growth.

Essentia is a brand that values community, commitment, connection and caring for each other. It was time their pharmacies took a fresh approach and reflected those values back to their consumers.

Shifting from medicinal to human. Creating a wholistic feel-good experience.

How are you doing?
 Go ahead — we’re listening. If you’ve got questions, you can talk to a pharmacist any time. We’re here to help you. 
Let’s get you feeling better.

Getting the message out.

Simple feels better.


Brightening up the place.


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